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Every League has their own League Home page. This page has a sub-menu which links to other pages specific to your league such as Standings, Submitting picks, your own league's Message Board, etc.1. Use the League's sub-menu to navigate to league specific links.
2. The profile in the top left will give a quick overview of your entry's status in the league as well as providing you with a link to modify the entry name and image avatar to associate to your entry. If you are the league creator or a commish to the league, you will also see a link for Commish Tools which is where you can modify league settings, add/edit picks for league members, send more email invites, etc.
3. The League Home has a space for the League Creator to write up articles as often as they like and add images. Use this to communicate with all members of your league as well as good old chop busting. If you are the league creator or a commish, you will see an edit button to make changes in this space.
League types may vary but they'll aslo have some quick views like standings, bulls, bears, etc as well. The ads are there to keep the site free.